Thursday, July 14, 2011


Anxiety level so far today: 4

Pretty good today I think. I finally met with my psychiatrist for the first time today. Everything went fine, he upped my dosage of Prozac and just talked to me for a bit. While we were discussing the cutting, he mentioned something that made me think a bit. He talked about how there was a tribe of Indians that used to cut themselves, mainly as a way of saying "Look what I did to myself. You think you can hurt me?" He went on to compare that to me. I found it interesting. He wants to see me again next week, which I thought was a bit odd. Usually shrinks give you a prescription and then expect to see you back in a month.

I'm excited for tomorrow. I'm going out for the entire night and having as much fun as possible. I need that right now.

Now I'm off to catch up on all of your blogs, sorry it's been so long.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are excited about something fun AND that you are doing therapy. Sounds like it will be a good thing for you. Enjoy your night out. I love the new blog layout.
